Countdown Peperiksaan Ikhtisas Akhir 2012/2013

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Of forensic lectures.

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera fellow colleagues!

Now, for the most anticipating announcement of the year, Hannan already talked (and as we firmly believed, persuaded) with the kakak ofis regarding the postponement of Forensic lectures on Jan 20th and the verdict is.....................................the lectures are still ON. Yes, lectures. You see, looking at the guide book, there are 3 (three) lectures scheduled for that Friday and hey hey hey don't look so down - they will be delivered by Prof Faridah! :)

The thing is, it will be difficult to re-schedule the lectures as the auditorium is fully booked for the future Fridays.

The alternatives:
1. Postpone those lectures, and have them either Monday/Tuesday/Wed/Thurs which will be almost IMPOSSIBLE to gather people from different postings. After all it is Friday evening that we are allocated to have something in common right, the so called common lectures....

2. Have them at Friday(any Fridays), but in different place like DK 1 for example. Sure you've been into DK 1 before, can you imagine all of us into that place? Like Mackerel in a can. (macam dalam tin sardin)

We're afraid the lectures are fixed on that date until proven otherwise even some serious attempt has been made to postpone them. Any news, you'll get it first from us.

Thanks for reading (and understanding -well I guess that's what mature people do).


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